Hunger Games Hype

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Hello everyone! 

So the hype of The Hunger Games is over now, the last movie was of course as big a hit as the first one! However, a lot of people seem to forget about the books in all the movie excitement. I have this deal with Mr.Gingersnap, when it’s a huge movie that we watch together I don’t read the books until we’ve seen the movies. That way one of us doesn’t know more than the other! Which is why I only recently read the books behind this controversial series. 

Aside from the violent themes and their inevitable controversy, the story is a really good one! It has it all, self sacrifice for those you love, struggles against poverty, hunger and an oppressive government, friendship, loss and of course a decent love triangle. I think the political undertones deserve a post all of their own so let’s leave those out of this one, right? 

Warning, there may be spoilers ahead!! 

I didn’t realise how different the movies are to the books! Yes the story is essentially the same and most of the events are also the same. What is missing from the movies are Katniss’s constant feelings for Peeta. In the movie she seems very pre-occupied with Gale from almost day 1, when in fact she doesn’t consider him as more than a friend until well into the second book. Her feelings for Peeta are mixed throughout and she experiences constant turmoil when thinking of him. On one hand he is her enemy, but on the other there is her gratitude to him which barely conceals her undoubtable affection. From the very beginning it is clear that he is right for her, that he can heal all that is broken. 

Gale is strong and passionate, but his feelings for Katniss aren’t pure. I’m not denying his love for her, it was borne out of long years of friendship and mutual dependency, but he has a vicious streak which Peeta lacks. He is far too angry, anger wouldn’t be enough to fix Katniss and she realises this very early in the books. 

In the movies she is very wooden and shows next to no emotion, but in the books you hear her thoughts and see how much it all affects her. Her on screen actions show she feels, but you don’t see much of the games’ lasting effects. A large part of the books is about how she copes and slowly comes to terms with the trauma, I just wish this was in the movies a bit more! You see her strong love and loyalty to her district, her desire to do more and frustration at her own limits, which I feel makes you emotionally invest more in her character. 

I’d recommend reading the books even if you weren’t much a fan of the movies, you get a different side of Katniss. Although I can’t pick which one I liked best! What did you guys think of the books vs. the movies? Let me know in the comments below :-) 

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