March Madness - Wild Reading

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Hello everyone! 

How are you all doing and, most importantly, what have you been reading? As my regular readers will know, I set myself quite a few hefty books to read in February and, predictably, it pushed me into a slump. Now we are talking a big slump, not just a reading slump, but a Blog, Twitter and Instagram slump! Mr. Gingersnap always gets quite anxious when I stop reading, he knows how important it is to keep me happy :-) 

He then had the brightest idea ever and suggested that for March Madness I should do a reading safari that we will call Wild Reading! This involves picking books off my shelf at random and reading whatever I feel like reading whenever I feel like it. So far this is working out excellently and I am onto my fourth book of the month already! Which is already more than I achieved last month. 

In the end, I only read half my TBR last month: 

  1. The Mermaid And Mrs Hancock by Imogen Hermes Gowar - 5 Stars
  2. Thief Of Time by Terry Pratchett - 5 Stars 
  3. Two On A Tower by Thomas Hardy - 5 Stars
  4. Turtles All The Way Down by John Green - 3 Stars 

I won't yet tell you what I have been reading this month, if I do then who will even read my wrap up at the end of the month?!? However, I am open to suggestions, that is the joy of Wild Reading :-) Let's make this a thing and tell me what your impulse reads have been in the comments below! 


P.S. Follow my Facebook here

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